Music Musings and More

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Creamy Lemon Fettuccini Alfredo


I was exploring some recipes on the web tonight and decided to combine a few into one perfect, simple alfredo. I hate having to comb through a 20 page online dissertation before finding the recipe though, so here it is!

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2020 Reflections & EP Album Release

Hello Friends, Fans, and Family! 

I hope this finds you all safe and well and managing through this very different - and at times difficult - holiday season. 2020 has been a year of struggles, sickness, political unrest, job…

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Moments with a Mentor

This weekend, I had the opportunity to sing a composition at Arch Street Presbyterian Church with Essence of Joy Alumni Singers for the incredible composer herself, Dr. Ysaye Barnwell. Her masterful compositions and inspiring work with Sweet Honey in theRead more

2015 World Meeting of Families (aka Popeapalooza)

On September 26th, I had the unique opportunity to once again sing with the Philadelphia Heritage Chorale, a 50-voiced choir under the direction of maestro J.Donald Dumpson. The Chorale, along with the Philadelphia Orchestra, backed up Latin American sensation, Juanes,…

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